Ensuring Education, Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning | EAPN Report

EAPN has a long-standing interest around the issue of education and its many aspects of access, affordability, quality and equal opportunities, which are crucial in the empowerment of people experiencing poverty and their integration in society. The links between education, training, lifelong learning and poverty and social exclusion are manifold. EAPN advocates for the right to universal,…

EAPN calls for European leaders to clearly focus on protecting the most vulnerable from the impacts of Covid19 | letter for European Council 26 March 2020

EAPN and its members are concerned at the social and economic consequences of Covid19 on people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, their families, and other highly vulnerable groups, who are hit the hardest by the current crisis and need urgent support. We released a statement on 17 March, calling on all governments to…

EAPN Spain’s Microsite on Covid19 | EAPN SPAIN

EAPN Spain created a microsite (in Spanish) on the social impact of the Coronavirus crisis that includes: a detailed analysis of the various social and economic consequences of the Corona virus, very well also highlighting the gender dimension. The statement includes recommendations to the Spanish government and the Autonomous Regions in Spain. It has been shared by social media and was picked…