EAPN Assessment of the 2016 Country-Specific Recommendations (June)

15/06/2016 – EAPN presents its assessment of the 2016 Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs), released on 18 May 2016, and is based on inputs from National Networks and European Organisations in our membership. Members have assessed progress on Social Europe and delivery on the Europe 2020 Strategy targets on poverty reduction, employment and education. A detailed country-by-country…

INHERIT is looking for ‘triple win’ ideas for a more sustainable future

The Intersectoral Health and Environment Research for Innovation (INHERIT) project is looking at the links between our living, moving or consuming patterns and the environment, our health and equity. This large scale Horizon 2020 initiative, coordinated by EuroHealthNet, brings together experts from the health, environment and other sectors, including technology, to investigate policies, practices and…

EAPN chairs workshop on sustainable societies: How to make the SDGs Europe’s Business – Multistakeholder Solutions

On the 30-31 May the EESC, together with Dutch Presidency and Sustainable Development Solutions, organized a high-level 2 day event to discuss how to make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development  a reality, through multi-stakeholder partnerships. EAPN chaired a key workshop on sustainable societies – tackling poverty and inequality, linked to the key goals on…