Peer Review on Active Inclusion

EAPN and Eurochild participated in an important Peer Review on 3-4 December in Paris involving representatives from 11 Member States, focussed on the use of targets, and scoreboard mechanisms of indicators and governance mechanisms as drivers for active inclusion policy implementation.

EAPN’s report on the crisis: Social Cohesion at stake – The Social Impact of the Crisis and of the Recovery Package

{jathumbnail}This report, produced by the EAPN Social Inclusion working group, is based on concrete examples, demonstrates that the present crisis is having a cruel impact on the life of the most vulnerable, and that it is generating more deprivation and increasing hopelessness. Some recovery policies are highlighted as good examples.


EAPN Ireland Welcomes Social Inclusion Forum

Our Voices Are Real, Our Stories Are Real – We Need To Be Listened To”. Speaking in advance of the Social Inclusion Forum on 4 November, Anna Visser, Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland, welcomed the Government’s efforts to actively seek out the views of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion in the context of economic and social policy making.
