Press release: Will Flexicurity meet the need of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion?

On the eve of the Informal Tripartite Social Summit on Flexicurity to be held in Lahti, Finland on the 19 and 20th October 2006, the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) urges EU Prime Ministers to make sure that Flexicurity is used to deliver social cohesion and to contribute to the eradication of poverty, for people who are outside the labour market or already stuck in the worse paid, precarious employment.


Press release: Give the fight against poverty the political drive it deserves!

On the occasion of the fifth European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion to be held in Tampere on 16-17 October 2006, the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) will be sharing with EU and Government officials its initial reflections on the recent publication of the new ‘streamlined’ Reports for 2006-2008 under the Open method of coordination on social protection and social inclusion (OMC), the EU’s driving mechanism in meeting its objective to reduce poverty and social exclusion by 2010.


Press release: EAPN calls on the EU to fundamentally re-think its economic and social policy

The shocking official figures of 72 million people living their daily lives in or at risk of poverty shows that the EU has failed in reaching the vision of a social Europe. This is why the participants to the Toledo EAPN General Assembly last week urged the European Union to “fundamentally rethink its economic and social policy if it is to achieve its stated objective to make decisive impact on the eradication of poverty by 2010”.
