RL-2013-PEP 800x739

Participation is Key to Progress on Poverty Eradication

European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) attends Annual Convention of the European platform against poverty and social exclusion with high expectations on how to overcome the past failures and finally progress on poverty eradication, with participation at the core of EU decision-making processes.

Brussels, 20 November 2014 – 38 delegates of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) from all over Europe are taking part in the Annual Convention of the European platform against poverty and social exclusion held 20-21 November 2014 in Brussels to press for the rights of people experiencing poverty and to help shape the next 5 years of EU policies with a view to eradicating poverty. EAPN goes to the Convention with a set of 3 key messages, calling on EU to put the voice of people experiencing poverty at the heart of a Social Europe 2020 and to use EU funds to invest in quality jobs, services and social protection.

EAPN takes part in the Annual Convention on Poverty (EPAP)

EAPN, represented by 38 delegates from all over Europe, attended the 4th Annual Convention of the European platform against poverty and social exclusion (#Poverty2020) these 20-21 November and put forward 3 key messages, along with 10 messages from the 13th Meeting of People experiencing Poverty held last September. These messages were released on Thursday 20 November, through a press release. For EAPN, the participation of civil society stakeholders, starting by people experiencing poverty, in decision-making processes is key to poverty eradication.


EAPN participates in EPEE EU Conference on Fuel Poverty

On 8 October, Ludo Horemans participated in the EPEE EU Conference on fuel poverty  organised by EPEE (European Fuel Poverty and Efficiency) Consortium funded by the Energy Intelligent Europe Programme. He highlighted the importance to tackle the growing problem of fuel poverty by an integrated approach embrassing the issues of an adequate minimum income, the high level of energy prices and the promotion of energy efficiency.