Since its establishment, the EAPN Fund has contributed to:

  • The rebuilding of the Dutch EAPN National Network
  • Solidarity support to the Indian Ekta Parishad organisation who organised the  March of the Landless which has mobilized incredible numbers of people and has achieved impressive results
  • The participation of two activists with direct experience of poverty in a one week study visit in India, organised by Dignity International and including meetings with Ekta Parishad March, learning from landless communities about their leadership and engagement with this Ghandian movement
  • The support to Florence 10+10, a broad alliance of about 300 networks and organisations building alternative messages for Europe to the austerity-driven recovery and helping EAPN run a workshop on putting a new vision of social protection at the heart of Social Europe
  • The support to EAPN Hungary with their project on the empowerment and activation of young people in disadvantaged areas – ALEN