eu pillar

European Commission launches consultation package on a European Pillar of Social Rights

08/03/2016 – the European Commission launched a public consultation on a European Pillar of Social Rights. EAPN welcomes an initiative that is rooted in a rights-based perspective. We hope that it can be an important step towards rebalancing the European Union agenda and giving social considerations, including the fight against poverty and social exclusion, their due place in the European architecture. EAPN particularly welcomes commitments on a wide number of key topics, grouped under three main headings: Equal opportunities and access to the labour market (education and training, security of contracts, supporting transitions, work-life balance, gender equality and equal opportunities), Fair working conditions (employment rights, wages, health and safety, social dialogue), and Adequate and sustainable social protection (social benefits – minimum income, unemployment, health and sickness, disability, pensions; services – care, child-, health- and long-term care, housing, transport, energy, financial, communications). EAPN will work closely with its members over the coming months to prepare a full response to the consultation and the initiative.