EAPN’s Conference on the crisis: Another response to the crisis is possible and urgently needed!

Europe urgently needs to stop austerity measures, and support social investment, inclusive governance and solidarity in its approach to the crisis!

Brussels, 29 September 2011 – Last Friday, EAPN’s Conference Getting out of the Crisis Together presented its Working Paper: Re-engaging Hope and Expectations – getting out of the crisis together, highlighting 12 key elements for viable alternative approaches for an inclusive recovery. 

Press release: Were EU leaders serious when committing to poverty-reduction target?

{jathumbnail}Brussels, 23 March 2011 – In advance of the Spring Council 24-25 March, EAPN wrote to the Prime Ministers and Heads of State and Governments, to express its alarm at the current discussions and decisions taking place on Economic Governance (Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact and the Pact for the Euro), happening without adequate public and democratic scrutiny and without a proper assessment of their social impact.