EAPN Report – Contribution to the European symposium on access to healthcare for the disadvantaged, Paris, 16 December 2000

The representatives of anti-poverty organisations from several EUMember states, meeting in UNIOPSS’ offices in Paris on 7 October 2000passed the following resolutions addressed to the European and MemberState authorities, looking ahead to the European Conference on accessto health care being hosted by the French Presidency on 16 December2000.

Final declaration of the 2000 EAPN General Assembly: “Participation: an essential part of fighting social exclusion”

On November 23-25 2000, EAPN held its ‘tenth anniversary’ General Assembly in Barcelona. This year, the keynote theme was: “Participation: an essential part of fighting social exclusion”. At the end of the General Assembly, the EAPN delegates coming from the 15 Member States of European Union adopted the following final declaration.